Bethlehem Baptist Church is a family of faith, focused on Developing People to be Fully Devoted Followers of Christ (Matt. 28:18-20).

We believe Jesus taught us 3 Key Relationships of a Disciple’s Life.

*Our Relationship with the Father.

*Our Relationship with Other Followers.

*Our Relationship with Not-yet Followers.

KEY #1. Engaged and Growing in Worshipping God (consistently & vibrantly, both privately and publicly). Mark 1:35; Luke 4:16

KEY #2. Engaged and Growing with a Small Group of Fellow Followers (Jesus spent the majority of His time investing in and growing His closest followers through teaching and accountability). Luke 5:1-11; Luke 9:1-10

KEY #3. Engaged and Growing in being Sent to Serve & Reach (Jesus felt compassion and acted toward the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of people. He then sent His followers to do the same). Luke 4:18; John 20:21